Tuesday 28 May 2019

Adi Shankaracharya

Adi Shankaracharya is arguably one of the greatest philosophers of Hinduism.
Adi Shankara was born in 8th Century and since his childhood had a keen interest in Hindu scriptures. At a very young age he read and understood everything that is to know about Vedas, Upanishads, Bhagwad Gita and Brahmasutra.
Problem back then was that Sanatan Dharma was reduced to a Ritualistic Religion where general masses and other Scholars/Philosophers had misunderstood or misinterpreted the core teachings of Hindu scriptures. This resulted in the widespread increase in the peaceful conversions of Hindus to Buddhism and Jainism.
Upon completing his education Adi Shankara became a Guru. He observed the ever expanding influence of Buddhism and Jainism in India. Adi Shankara realized that the problem lies with the understanding of the great Hindu Scriptures
Adi Shankara with his unbreakable and superb understanding of Hindu Scriptures didn't convert anyone forcefully, he simply challenged every Buddhist Philosopher for Shastrarth.
A Shastrarth is a philosophical and religious contests where the contestant has to answer any question presented to them with the understanding of their core scriptures.
In Adi Shankaracharya's case he had to answer based on his knowledge of Vedas, Upanishidas, Bhagwad Gita and Brahmasutra, whereas Buddhist philosophers had to answer according to the core teachings of Gautam Buddha. The Questions could be either from the judge, audience or from the other participants.
Adi Shankaracharya's only condition for every debate was that who ever wins the debate the other has to become his disciple.
Rest all is a history, Adi Shankara defeated every philosopher he ever debated.
The beauty is that, his opponents were not furious by their loss against him, but were happy that they found a great teacher in the form of Adi Shankara and so did the followers of the defeated opponent.
Adi Shankara made his opponents, their disciples and the audience realize the importance of Hindu Scripture since with a clear understanding of it can answer every question ever existed.
Adi Shankara travelled through the length of India and wherever he went his knowledge of Hinduism reinforced everyone’s trust back in Hinduism.
God knows we need a Guru like him in these confused and troubled time to make us realize the truth that is written in our Hindu Scriptures but we are unable to read it.
Om Namo Narayana
There are some comment regarding the questions in the Shastrarth Debate..
This is purely as per my understanding of what key philosophical differences between Hinduism and Buddhism that can create a debate.
Irrespective of both Hinduism and Buddhism being Dharmic Religion, the view of God and Salvation/Moksha/Nirvana in both these religions are poles apart.
Hence in order to win a philosophical debate one has to question the validity of the core principles of a particular religion.
The questions in these debates where mainly related to -
- Concept of God’s existence and its form and the creation of this universe.
- Concept of Soul, its existence, rebirth etc.
- Concept of Salvation/Moksha/Nirvana
- Concept of Human Suffering and uplifting oneself above it.
Proving above points itself can validate or rebut the core Philosophy of Hinduism and Buddhism. Hence according to me the questions were mostly related to these topics apart from these there are few sub-topic which can be
- Concept of Dharma (Dharma of a King, Minister, Soldier, Father, Mother, Husband, Wife, Child, Civilization towards the environment. Then there are specific circumstances which created ambiguity in the Dharma of a person.)
- The Concept of Cosmos and Astronomy and its relation with different life form.