Sunday 1 May 2016

Product Review Report

EveryOne Out there Reading this Blog
Are you a Manufacturer of a Certain Electronic Goods or Do You Know SomeOne in Relation to it.

Then This Blog is all for You as I am Starting a new Service for the manufacturers and brands helping to know about their products user friendlyness and test its various parameters with this Service.

In this Venture I will be Reviewing and
Testing Your product and Will be Sending You A Review Report both a hard copy and Soft Copy With a detailed Reports on Various factors and there relational behaviour.

So For this Service you can send me the
Electronic Goods such as headphones,
Mobile phones, Routers, Power banks,
Fitness bands, smart Watches, Laptops,
Wireless Speakers etc.

As I will be Giving You a detailed report about the various factors. My Remuneration can be the products you send in or the cash according to your convinences. The charges of the Review will be based on the product and its flexible.

You can contact me on my mail address
and give me details about your product.

Twitter I'd: @Akshay456Akshay

Note: I Will be Giving the Detailed Report of Your Products from the Common User point of view and in an advanced users mindset too.

Thank You all. Have a nice time ahead.